March 9, 2025
University of Isfahan robotics team wins 4th place in FIRA RoboWorld Cup 2019
UI robotic team under the supervision of Dr. Ali Bohlooli (Faculty member of FCE) won the 4'th rank in RoboSot Race Challenge in the FIRA RoboWorld Cup 2019 that held on Changwon, Korea from 11th to 16th August 2019.

The Federation of International Robot-soccer Association (FIRA) is an international organization that arranges competitive soccer competitions between autonomous robots. The robotics competition includes five categories: Micro-Robot Soccer Tournament, Amire, Naro, Simulated Robot, Android, Robo and Humanoid Robot.

UI robotic team members:

*Amir hosein behzadfar(Computer engineering)

* Ahmad Mahmdian Darvishi(Computer engineering)

*Seyyed Mohammad Hashemi(Computer engineering)

*Amir Reza Ahmad-nejad(Electrical engineering) 
دانشگاه اصغهان
Address: Faculty of Computer Engineering, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran    
Postal Code: 817467344
Tel: +9831 37934500 
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